Friday, March 20, 2009

Some New Photos of Ford Airport

Here are some new shots of the Gerald R. Ford Airport in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Why Congress Has Failed!

Last year AIG gave full disclosure on everything to do with their financial situation, including paying out contractual bonuses. Now I don't agree on giving a bonus if you're in the red, but it was in the contract. Bad business I guess. So congress rushes out a stimulus package without even reading it. They did not READ one page of it. Should I say it one more time. They passed a bill without even KNOWING WTF was in it.

So AIG gets their bonuses out. Sure, that should make us mad but congress knew about this stuff before hand and did not ensure the stimulus prohibited it. What should really make us not only mad, but scared is the fact they are now passing a law to go after this money and tax it. By 90%! Are you kidding me? The only reason it wasn't taxed 100% was they wanted to leave some left for the states to tax. They are basically saying we are taking your wealth retro-activley because we screwed up. Where do they draw the line with this? Can they down the road say so and so made too much therefore we are going to suddenly tax you retro-activley to make up for it?

The real root of the problem is the corruption in congress! They were elected to serve the people, not take our money to give to failing companies. It is pretty obvious that AIG has poor business practices. To gurantee a bonus even if the company is in the red is just riduculous for one thing. What other dumb things do they do? A company like this deserves to fail, not get bailed out by tax payers. This is how free market enterprise works. Those who practice sound business policies succeed, those who don't fail.

The new rumor is BO wants to create civil unrest so government can step in and take over. Question: What is claimed when society revolts? Answer: Martial Law.
Who enforces martial law? The military, thats who. Now, does BO really think the military is going to back him and his corrupt government, or the people they are sworn to protect? Maybe he should realize the military is sworn to protect America from all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC! So far his actions are not very friendly to America, unless you are a corrupt fat cat politician that is.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Obama Continues to Fail US Soldiers

Obama is now refusing to call terrorists that attack the United States enemy combatants. Really BO? Then just what is a militant person who attacks us to be called? A pissed off foreigner? If someone attacks us, they are the enemy. Plain and simple BO, it makes things easy. By not calling them the enemy are you saying you want to grant them US rights and give them trial lawyers? The UCMJ is around for a reason Barry. The trial system is for US Citizens, not terrorists or illegal immigrants that don't live in this country. Just to be clear, in case you missed that memo.

In further news, BO also wants soldiers that were injured in combat to pay for their own medical costs. WTF Obama? Are you really serious? You really want the military to turn its back on you, don't you? As a member of the armed forces, I'm going to say right now that with these last two actions against myself and all other members of the military I am ashamed to refer to you as my commander in chief. You do not have my respect. You are ruining this country. Try ruling for the people, and not with your ego you prick.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Review of the Macbook Pro 17" Laptop

After weeks and weeks of waiting I finally received my MBP in the mail. It is awesome, gorgeous, and fun to use. It is also my first Mac computer. I love it. I installed all my software, files, and photos with no problems. It recognizes hardware easily. So what is my gripe?

The claims of 7 to 8 hour battery life, that is my gripe. So far the best I've done is about 5 hours. Not bad, but still hours short of the claim. The five hour time though was basically having it on and not doing much else. That also includes about four hours of sleep time and I was left with about 3% battery life left. Having bluetooth on drains the battery faster than having it off, and I keep the keyboard back light to just one titch away from being off and the monitor is below half for brightness.

Getting 4 hours plus of normal usage is a plus, but that is half of the claim. Maybe I have a crappy battery, or maybe Apple exaggerated the battery life claim....a bit.