Friday, September 26, 2008

Why Liberals Piss Me Off

So now the Dems are blaming McCain for holding up the "bailout bill" they were trying to get passed yesterday. But witnesses to the event say the opposite. The funny thing is why is our democratic led congress trying once again to make the taxpayers foot the bill for crooked lenders?

FREE MARKET means let the market take care of itself. If a bank or a company gives a poor or crooked service, then they no longer stay in business. I for one think it is a bit scary how the democratic led congress is bailing out these banks, and taking control of the housing and lending sector. That is a little too close to communism for my taste. Now big brother will be in charge of when and where you live? I see a chiropractor who is from China. This is really freaking him out because that is how it is there. He keeps telling me to buy guns, ammo, and food and have someplace to go. For awhile I thought he was a bit eccentric, then nuts. Now maybe I'm thinking he is on to something...

ps. Hey Letterman, get over it already. You're going to give yourself another heart attack.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Well I have been absent for awhile, but with good reason. I have spent most of my summer in Army training of one sort or another. If all goes well I'll be off soon again for yet another school. I will post some photos of that in good time.

So while I was gone McCain chose Palin as his running mate. This was a brilliant move on his part, and the wacky libs have no idea how to handle it. Wait, they think they do. Lets bash her. All these silly celebs are saying such crude things about her it is almost unbelievable. Its even more unbelievable that they are backing the commie Nobama. Ignorance is bliss I always say. I'm having fun watching the backlash they are getting from their fan base who happens to think Palin is great!

Why is she so great? Here is a little top ten:

10. She is a women
9. Her husband races snowmobiles
8. Her husband likes to fish
7. She likes to hunt
6. She sold the Governers jet on eBay
5. She doesn't take shit from anyone
4. Hilliary supporters have a new female to vote for
3. Nobama says she is inexperienced, but so is he
2. She brings a platform for special needs people
1. She is a true CONSERVATIVE