Friday, December 21, 2007

Our Media is Horrible

Why oh why is everything negative these days? Global warming this, war losing that, impending recession, bad housing market....WTF? Can't they tell the truth? Do they check sources anymore?

The housing market is not in "Dire Trouble". 94% of mortgages are paid on time! 94 frickin' %! A mere 6% of the population made some poor choices and/or did not read the fine print and are defaulting on their payments. Hardly enough to cause an economic implosion like the "pros" are predicting.

Look at this article: Spending As you can see, they point out people are buying more than the naysayers predicted, yet still have to put the slant of a possible recession next year. Even though jobs are up and still growing!

The media (ABC) flat out refuses to report good news from Iraq. They claim that the HUGE DECREASE in violence and death is not news, yet say any violence that does happen is news. What the hell?

It seems the liberal drive by media and most democrackheads want a recession, and want us to lose the war. They claim they are for the people, but it seems more likely they are for their political power.

It is time for the silent majority to start speaking out. We are sick of all the politically correct labels, misinformation from the media, and the few talking for the many.

If any rich business minded types would like to start a National Newspaper that speaks the truth, and reports on how things really are contact me. I would love to start one up.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


So TIME Magazine declared Putin man of the year. Are you frickin' kiddin' me? The guy is KGB just itching to get the cold war started again. Besides his anti US attitude, ballet fixing, and his push to turn Russia back to communism what isn't to like about him?

And Gore was a consideration? What did he do besides propagate one of the biggest lies of the century? I guess all these global warming fanatics forget that it was only about 10 years ago the same scientists that are claiming global warming used to claim the Earth was COOLING. I remember being in the Air Force and the big news was we were "in a mini ice age" and that was why things were so cold and why the weather patterns were all messed up. I have two words for ya, GRANT MONEY.