Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday Begins with Death

Are people really stupid? Seriously, with everything we as a species have accomplished I really think that we are just stupid. Can the need to purchase crap that won't be around 5 years from now really be so important that a throng of people literally tear the doors off of Wal-Mart and trample a person to death while injuring others?

I guess I can't fathom being in such a rush to spend money because something is on sale that I wake up before dawn, wait in a line, and not unlike cattle stampede inside a store. It's Wal-Mart for gods sake. For the most part they sell crap anyway. Its not like you are rushing to buy things you normally couldn't afford. It's Wal-Mart. They always have sales to offload the crap on their shelves.

Kids nowadays are so spoiled their parents are willing to stampede and kill to buy them the Hannah Montana guitar they need to survive. Can't teach them to deal with disappointment, so rip doors off the hinges and crush someone to death in a mad rush to get the last one. Have we all gone insane? This happens every year yet we don't learn. Its silly. I hope every customer involved in the mad rush gets tried for man-slaughter and spends Christmas in jail.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Jobless claim not that bad

Rush made a good point today, and I thought I would echo it here. It is about how bad the economy is, and how many people are not working. What these fear mongers fail to say while comparing the jobless rate to that of 1985 is the work force has DOUBLED since that time. This means the jobless rate is actually half of that of 1985. With that many more people in the workforce the economy is not going to fluctuate as badly as this liberal nut jobs are claiming.

If you have a job, buy things. Save. Be normal. Quit letting the media spoon feed you the fear. If we are not scared, we are less likely to be controlled by those in power that want to remove some of our freedoms so THEY can tell you what is good and what is bad in your life.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Cool Stuff for your pad

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Save the Whale Wack Job

It was a late night and nothing was on TV. Flipping through the channels I landed on Whale Wars. Seemed OK at first, until I realized just how crazy the captain of this group is. He puts the life of his crew below that of the whales.

Watching this show reminded me of the South Park episode where the anti smoking crowd comes to town and is going to kill Cartman to prove that second hand smoke is fatal. The anti smoking crowd was manipulating the media to turn the public opinion against smokers. Much the same way the captain of the ship first attacked a Japanese whaling ship before putting two of his crew members on board knowing that they would be taken captive or worse. He then chose the "worst" photos to give to the media to get attention.

Its people like him that give the media a bad name. They only know what they are told sometimes. I really can't believe I'm writing something defending the media, as I think they are a bunch of liberal wack jobs already. But in this case, they ran with what they were given. All I can say about the entire show is that it made me want to be on a ship so I could attack these people back. I'm surprised the Jap whalers haven't hired some mercs to blow them out of the water yet.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Got to go fishing

It has been awhile since I've been out night fishing. It is one of my favorite things to do but I have been unable to get out for quite some time. My stepkid and I decided to head out and go to my favorite spot last night. It was cold, snowing, and dark. The odds were against us but we kept casting. After awhile with no strikes or the telltale minnows skipping on the surface telling me a walleye was eating I decided to shine my light in the water. Nothing. No fish, not even a sucker to be seen. I decided to move us below the dam and fish the river. Nothing again. Not wanting to go home empty handed I moved us upstream through the woods.

It isn't a fun journey to do in the day, and its even worse at night. Mucky ground, fallen trees, prickers, puddles, did I mention it was snowing? So after a not so easy hike we get to the bridge. After many casts our lines became tangled. While I was about to unwrap my lure from his line a fish strikes. So now I have to get my line free of his before the fish escapes. At one point we thought the fish was off because it stopped tugging and jumping. Grabbing hold of his line I pull and feel the weight of a heavy fish on the other end. I quickly bite my line to free it from his line.

The battle starts again but is short lived. The fish has tired. Of course I have no net, no waders, and have to now help land this nice 30" brute. Ryan was thrilled to catch this one, and even though I was happy for him I wasn't happy about getting skunked. Shortly after that my lure hit a rock and broke ending my fishing for the night.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Be an outlaw!

I've been watching Sons of Anarchy for the past two weeks. After catching part of an episode it became my goal to watch each one made to catch up. The show is that good. It made me wonder how real bikers felt about it, so after mentioning it to some friends I know that ride I discovered two things. They love it! It is a bit unrealistic at times, but has a lot of truth to it as well. I met some guys that are actually part of an MC and they voiced the same opinions.

So what has this show done for me besides give me something to do for an hour? I want to be an outlaw thats what. I want the vest with the club name on it, the Harley with loud pipes, the brothers, and yes....even the danger. I know that all sounds a bit melodramatic but this show calls to my dark side like nothing else. If I was in a different time and a different place I could easily see myself falling into that lifestyle.

Should this revelation scare me? I think no as this show just calls out to the desires most men have. (Unless they are from San Fransicko or some other such lib town) What guy doesn't want to cruise around at will on a bike, slamming chicks, knockin' off the bad guys, and making lots of money on top of it? Sure its illegal, but the freedom to live like that would almost be worth all the risk.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Does anyone know about

Sometimes I wonder if people know about Etsy. You know, the site that people use to sell things that they make? Kinda like an online flea market of homemade goods. I just wonder how well they do because most people I talk to have never heard of If you mention ebay everyone that doesn't live under a rock knows about it. Mention Etsy and most likely they never heard of it.

On the flip side of that though is if the person has heard of it they rave about it. So why don't they advertise more? Or do they and not in my area? I don't know and I'm too lazy to find out.

If you find that you want to buy some art type stuff for your home, better yet some art type stuff that I made visit my shop at Etsy here and you will make me happy.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Well the election is over and the commie is in. Hopefully it won't be as bad as I fear, but I think it will be. I'm just trying to make myself feel better. Watching the South Park episode helped a little, but not much.

To make matters worse, I dropped my iPhone from less than two feet. It landed face down on cement and the glass has cracked like a car windshield that had a head smack it in a front end collision. It still works but I feel little shards of glass moving around and I fear I'm going to slice open my delicate finger tips or make it worse if I use it too much. Hopefully this isn't the change BO was talking about.

Looking online, my options seem bleak. My only hope is to get a cool Apple Genius at the Apple store that fixes it for free or doesn't charge me that much to get it replaced. I'm going to go cry or smash my head against the wall for awhile now. I read that you burn 150 calories an hour doing that...