What Apple says about Google voice; and why I call BS
So in Apple's letter response to the FCC they state that they did not in fact reject the Google Voice App. They state that they are still pondering it because of the following reasons: It duplicates the iPhone's call and SMS features, which could confuse users and it transfers contacts to Google servers, making Apple question how secure that would be.
Now here is why I call bullshit. First, Google Voice at this time is by invite only. Users of this service are more tech savy than the casual user. Meaning I think they would understand that if they click the Google Voice App that they downloaded it would be giving them different phone features than if they clicked the iPhone phone App.
Reason two of why I cry bullshit is this. If a user chooses to sync their contacts with Google, or Yahoo they are in effect putting their contacts on those servers. I know at this time I sync with Google and any contact on my phone is automatically and almost instantly synced to their server from my phone. This is my favorite feature as it backs up all my contacts in a second place.
So for Apple to specifically site the contact sync as a reason for stalling is complete and utter bullshit because they already allow it. I only hope someone from the FCC reads this and asks Apple to clarify why it is OK for it to happen with an Apple app, but not a Google app.
I am very curious why Google opted to keep part of their response private. I can only imagine that it slams Apple in some way and they did not want that public. Part of their letter was blatant in the fact that they had no restrictions on App approval for their Android store, nor was the Android store the only means of getting apps for Android based phones. This thinly veiled slam against Apple makes me think even more was said not viewable by the public.
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