Obama and National Healthcare...
I have blogged about this before, but with recent events it seems worth a small revisit. Tempers are hot on both sides of the debate, and seemingly both sides have valid points. Here is the thing, from my perspective and limited knowledge. Me talking from my ass if you will, although I'm doing it from the standpoint of I have done some research in this matter. More so than the average American anyway...
First and foremost, to date our GOVERNMENT has bankrupted social security, made a mess of Medicaid, and has passed huge bailout money to failing companies that have deserved to fail due to shady business practices. Do we really trust them to run yet another healthcare/welfare program?
On one side of the aisle people will scream about the 20 million Americans without healthcare. The one fact though is anyone that really needs to see a doctor can not be turned away, even if they are uninsured. So in reality everyone can get healthcare if they need it.
The other side to include me states this. I make my own way in life, I do not need GOVERNMENT taking care of me. When you start letting the government run things for you those things become bogged down. Red tape is introduced in to your life, and so is a bit more government control. Look at welfare. Sure, it has helped many thousands of people that really needed it. But for every one person it has helped, it has created five more just looking for a free handout. Why work if someone else will? Now welfare limps along helping some and causing freeloaders of more. The scary thing is this mentality is passed down from parent to child and the cycle never breaks.
The side that is for social healthcare wants to point at the Netherlands. Look how great it is over there! We want that! Do they want the 60% or higher tax to go along with it? No, they only want to tax the "rich" ie those who make $250,000 or more a year. Well that "rich" number is getting lower with time. Why do you think Obama and the Dems want this rushed through so fast? So we the people don't realize how messed up it is until it is too late.
Lets look at the Netherlands again. They have been doing social healthcare longer than anyone else. The long term result of government control is cutting the budget because this system is expensive! In the Netherlands patricide and infanticide are common practice. "My parents are too old and can no longer function." Bye Bye. "I'm sorry, your son was born with deformities." Bye Bye. So what Palin may have been trying to say is just that. The end result becomes something we just may abhor.
My last and final point, and perhaps the strongest one of all is this. If social healthcare is soo flipping great then why are members of congress above it? If it isn't good enough for them, it isn't good enough for me or my family either. When congress can hammer out a social healthcare system that includes them, I will be all for it. But the fact they make sure to spell out they will be exempt from it tells me it isn't as great as they tell me it is. Until this changes, join with me and tell Obama "Thanks, but NO Thanks!"
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