Twitter, Google Street View, AT&T, and Apple whiners
Reading the news headlines these past couple weeks makes me shake my head in wonder. I'm amazed at the ignorance of people out there that spew their opinions based on nothing more than fear, misinformation, and ignorance. What do I mean? Read on.
Twitter has been getting a lot of hate lately. Comments range from I don't care to read when someone eats or goes the bathroom to I don't want to know the inane details of people's lives. As a Twitter user, I can say that I've never read a tweet like any of those mentioned above. I only follow people I know, and they tweet things with substance. We are a group of friends separated by hundreds of miles and this is a way we can keep in touch, plan get togethers, or meet up with each other if we are in town. Other people on twitter use it to follow news, or world events. Sure, if you read unfiltered tweets you may run across the lame "eating dinner now" tweet, but most people don't use twitter like that.
Google Street View is in trouble again. This time the Swiss are making a stink about privacy concerns. I guess what gets me is these people complaining must not realize that if they are outside, their life is no longer private. If they stop at a light, their picture is taken, if they go shopping, they are on surveillance cameras. People have picture phones, cameras, and even spy cameras so your photo can be taken at anytime while you are in public. I don't see anyone coming to the defense of celebrities when photos of them are taken by paparazzi and published in magazines across the globe. But when it happens to you, and you are put on a web site oh my gosh, end of the world. Get a grip. Nobody cares if they see someone they don't know. If you are outside, don't expect privacy. It's almost like saying your privacy has been invaded if someone looks at you. Stop being retards.
AT&T whiners have a somewhat valid thing to whine about if they also happen to own an iPhone. Where is the MMS? Where is the tethering? I am anxious for MMS. Sure, it was something I could deal with not having, but I am sick of not having it now. But I can wait until it rolls out. Those groups that are suing are just retarded. These are the same people that wonder why insurance rates are so high, why malpractice rates are so high, and why lawyers are a dime a dozen.
Apple has been getting hit with a bit of bad press lately. I've given them some myself. Lately I've been seeing two sides to their coverage. Those that bash the "fanboys" and those that want to write an article based on nothing more than speculation and rumor. Stop it already. Everyday I see 30 articles about what Apple may be doing or thinking. And at the end of those articles are people chiming in with their two cents...twittering if you will as it amounts to the same thing.
And that's why I stopped following Jon Fisher. Seeing what he had for lunch and dinner daily got old after 2 days…
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