Trying my hand at the App Store
While looking through the Apple App Store I noticed an App that wasn't there that should be. Why should it be there you wonder? Because it is something that is quite popular, yet nobody has done it for the App store yet, that is why. So what is this mystery app that I speak of? Not telling you. Not yet anyway. I have to get it built first silly, or some random reader could steal my idea and get it done before I do. I believe that I have discovered an untapped niche on the App Store and plan on filling it nicely.
Actually my idea was for two separate Apps, but I decided it would be a better value to combine them in to one solid App. The only problem I had was I'm not a programmer. I don't know C, Progressive-C or any other variant. Lucky for me I remembered a good friend from my Air Force days that is becoming pretty slick with programming. A few emails later and I have a partner.
Now I'll see firsthand how rough or easy working with Apple can be. I'm curious how they will respond to my niche. Perhaps it is unfilled because they refuse to approve these type of Apps. Perhaps nobody has tried it yet. I will keep you updated on the process as things develop.
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