Too Little Too Late?
The media is finally starting to report on NoBama's tax plans and his idea of redistribution of wealth. The question is do people really understand what that means? Quite often I hear liberal friends of mine say redistribution of wealth is a great idea. Really? Do they really think that? Did it work in Russia? Has it worked for Cuba? Has it ever worked? Nope, Nope, and Nope. Communism looks great on paper, but in real life it sucks. If you can get all your needs met without lifting a finger, what moves a person to lift a finger? I know if I can be lazy I'm the first one to do it.
So if we want to become an even lazier society with a shrinking work force because we won't have to work because the "rich people" who went to school and made something of themselves will take care of us while the nanny state tells us what is good for us (mercury filled light bulbs instead of incandescent anybody) then by all means vote for BO.
This will work until the successful people get sick and tired of taking care of the worthless and move themselves, their money, and their business to more friendly locations overseas. Then we can stand in line for bread like they do in Russia.
If you think BO won't be raising your taxes, think again. By letting the Bush tax cuts expire if he were to become President would in effect be raising your taxes. I for one am sick and tired of BO's lies, half truths, and omissions. This guy has been barely examined by the press and now that he is starting to get some negative hits I just wonder if it's too little too late...
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