Something Stinks...and his initials are BO (thanks for that one)
So my daughter comes home from school today. From what I gathered they are talking about the election and discussing candidates. She then says "I think I'm going to vote for Obama"
Taking a deep breath and counting to ten I calmly ask her why. She replies, "well he has a plan that if a little kid needs glasses then they can get new glasses for free."
Not a bad reason if you are an 8 year old kid, but Dear ol' Dad can't let that slide. So I proceed to tell her that the glasses will not be free, but Obama will take some money from everyones paycheck to pay for those glasses. Suddenly that idea wasn't so swell to her anymore.
I then asked her if she knew what redistribution of wealth meant. I know, a crazy way over her head conversation but we have them all the time and she always understands in the end. So of course she has no clue what that means. So I give her this. It means he will take money from rich people and give it to poor people. "Oh, that is nice. Thats a good idea huh Dad?"
"No honey, it isn't really. What if you worked really hard, and after a long time you finally had enough money to be called rich. Then Obama comes along and says you have to much money, so I'm going to take some of it and give it to these people over here because they were to lazy to work hard and would rather other people take care of them."
"I don't think that is right Dad, Obama isn't a good person. I'm going to tell my friends to vote for McCain."
Its amazing how children can see through the bullshit if you talk to them like they are adults and not silly little kids.
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