46 Questions for Obama
My friend from guysnightout.com came up with these questions for BO. I thought I would share them with you as well.
Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama have blamed the current economic crisis
on McCain and Republican Deregulation policies, and 8 years of Bush
Policies. Do the Democrats in Congress and the Senate bear ANY
responsibility for this crisis?
Wasn’t this crisis precipitated by the failure of Fannie Mae &
Freddie Mac which John McCain did try to regulate and the Democrats
such as Barney Frank, Chris Dodd , and yourself blocked saying there
was no problem?
Wasn’t it disingenuous of you to suggest that deregulation of
corporations urged by general Republican policy was the catalyst of
this current crisis when the problem was Democrats refusing to regulate
Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac when Republicans asked for it?
Has the former Freddie Mac top guy Franklin Raines who made millions
from the now failed Freddie Mac, advised your campaign in any way
official or unofficial?
Is it in any way possible that the push by groups like Acorn and
Democrats in Congress to force Banks to alter their lending practices
and have quasi federal agencies like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac back
housing loans to minorities and other people who could not really
afford them is a cause of the current economic crisis?
6. Has your campaign ever given money to ACORN for any reason?
Have you spoken out forcefully about voter fraud in this campaign or
taken definitive action to stop it such as personnaly asking the Ohio
Secretary of State to validate all votes as legitimate?
How is it possible that you could sit in Rev Wrights church for 20
years and not get the impression that he is a Black Liberation
Theologist who thinks America is a bad country that still oppresses
blacks and demands that Black be given something now such as
reparations, jobs, power, etc to get them back to equal standing with
whites in this country?
Rev Wrights act looked very polished like he had given it many many
times before. How can you say in all honesty that you never heard these
views that most Americans despise and didn’t know he had them?
10. Do you agree with Bill Ayers views on education reform in this country?
Would you have education policy that includes the views that Bill Ayers
espouses on education such as political activism being part of the
education process?
You are tied in various ways to the Chicago education reform
establishment that Bill Ayers is a huge part of. Has Bill Ayers had any
influence on how your views on education were shaped?
13. Do you think that White people in this country owe Black people?
You have repeated talked about the evil Corporations in this country
specifically citing Exxon Mobil. These statements are potentially
damaging to companies like Exxon Mobil in the global marketplace. Do
you realize how many Americans Exxon Mobil employs and how many
Americans are invested in these companies through mutual funds, 401k
& pensions?
15. Do you think that is irresponsible for you to make those kind of statements?
If the big evil corporations that you criticise so often were put out
of business, how many jobs would be lost and how would you replace
those jobs?
If all these big corporation jobs were replaced with government jobs
therefore making the Government the biggest “Corporation”, Would you
consider the lack of competition bad for America?
18. Please explain what you did to help rebuild some of Chicago’s poorest neighborhoods.
19. What went wrong with your plan to “spread the wealth”?
20. Tony
Rezko received large sums of money with your help, but nothing was done
to help Chicago’s poorest neighborhoods. Were you involved in Rezko’s
21. What role did Rezko play in helping you buy your house?
It seems like the people in YOUR neighborhood did just fine, while the
people in the poorest neighborhoods continued to suffer. Isn’t that the
very corruption that you said led to “quiet RIOT”?
23. Weren’t you part of the problem, not part of the solution?
24. If you don’t succeed in winning stealing the election, will you encourage that “quiet RIOT” to turn into full-fledged riots?
25. Why did you vote against the bill dealing with babies who survived abortion–even though you wrote it?
26. How is removing the temporary Bush Tax Break on the middle class notincreasing our taxes?
Will you encourage WaPo to release the tape of you at the anti-Jew,
pro-Terrorism party? And in the event you say “no,” why not?
28. What are you going to do with the extra millions of dollars in cash your campaign has left over after November 4?
29. Why won’t you release your college records?
30. Why won't you release your birth certificate?
While I understand why you can’t disavow everything that every nutroot
does in your name, why won’t you at least respond to things like the
children’s choir singing a praise and worship hymn to you when they hit
the major newsmarkets?
32. Where did you get the money to buy your house?
How will your healthcare reform affect your wife’s paycheck from the
hospital that has repeatedly fleeced its patients who are Medicaid and
34. Why do you want your daughters to abort your grandchildren? Don’t you love them?
Why did you, on March 27, 2004, tell Cathleen Falansi that you were
raised by your Christian mother, yet you have told the rest of the
world that your mother wasn’t really a Christian, that she considered
all religions basically equal (in your book), and that your
grandparents raised you?
36. And if your grandparents–as in both of them–raised you, is that the same thing as being raised by a single mother?
How is “from each according to his ability, to each according to his
need” different from you taking more money from the wealthy to give to
the poor, or, as you have called it, “spreading the wealth around”?
38. Can you ever admit when you are wrong?
39. Where were you when Rev Wright said “God DAMN America!”?
Will you be taking more money from Rev. Wright, since he’s now
purchased a multi-million dollar home and giving it to the people on
the street?
41. Why do you not want voting booths to require a valid picture ID, yet you do want one at your party on November 4?
If you’re–as you claim–for the “non-elite”, “regular” people, why are
you charging so much money for people to attend your party on November
How is it any different for you to run the risk of getting shot while
pumping gasoline than for me to run the risk of getting shot while
pumping gasoline? Do you get your gasoline in worse areas than I do? Do
you even pump your own gasoline?
Why is Michelle so angry? Why does she hate white people so much? Why
is she so ill-at-ease with herself if she’s in a room full of white
people who probably don’t think a thing about the fact that she’s not
45. What does a Community Organizer actually do?
46. Why do you want to write another Bill of Rights?
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