Obama is like Senator Palpatine
Everyone in the world of Star Wars thought that Palpatine was a good Senator. Like Nobama, he promised them hope and change. His hope and change was to rid the galaxy of dissent and end wars. We all saw were that ended. Many years of misery under the oppression of the "Empire".
Nobama also promises hope and change. His plans to tax big business, new business, and the "rich" to help the middle class is silly. By taxing those "evil big corporations" he is going to do nothing more than hurt the middle class. The big companies will have to raise the costs to us to maintain the profits they need to operate. I'm a middle class guy, at times I'm a lower middle class guy and I think Nobama is the devil.
I may be showing my Jedi geekdom with the above Star Wars analogy but it holds true. People are swayed by his so called charm and oratory skills but the truth is he speaks very poorly when off of the cue cards. His so called "new" plans are nothing more than what Jimmy Carter did back in the 70's. He touted "Trust", Nobama touts "Hope". Carter was one of the worst presidents this country ever had. We were such a mess it took years to straighten out. Nobama will bring us the same ruin as Carter did, only on a much larger scale.
Don't vote for the man who has close ties with known terrorists. He is a member of the New Party which has an agenda of pushing socialist agendas upwards. That is not what America is about. Do not be fooled by the sweet honey talk of this dangerous person. We don't have a Luke Skywalker waiting in the wings to overthrow him.
Interesting analogy with Senator Palpatine. However your credibility is lost by your post containing nothing more than Republican talking points.
You couldn't see Socialism if it was right under your nose (in Star Wars analogy that makes you the blind Republic member following Senator Palpatine blindly after he started taking down the Jedi). The Government becoming preferred stock owners of the largest US corporations?! Come on! If that's not smack dab sign of Socialism I don't know what is!
"...speaks very poorly when off cue cards" - Most people would disagree. However most people would agree with that of your buddy, G.W Bush, when he's reading the cue cards.
"evil big corporations"... the important thing here is that Democracy should not take a back seat to Capitalism, and have this country become a "Corporate Republic"... we can agree on that, right?
Omama is more like "Return of the Jedi".
Well you almost came across as having a valid argument, only when I wrote this article the government takeover of loans had not yet happened.
Second, the Rebulicans tried to have these instituitions investigated for their lending practices but the Dems said their was no problem. Every time the issue came up, the Democrats shot it down. Bring us to present day and it is the Democrats that are now in charge of the lending institution takeover.
The lesson we should learn is that free market will take care of itself, and the government should let it. Bailing out companies because they made poor choices is not letting the system work for itself.
I hope "Omama" is like Return of the Jedi, as that is when Palpatine is thrown is thrown over the abyss and freedom is restored to the republic.
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