So What do I think of the Verizon iPhone?
....and why should you care?
Actually, I'm glad Verizon is getting the iPhone. The when will it happen rumors were driving me insane. Report some real news for a change. Now maybe they can. In my humble opinion though I really feel the iPhone experience will be lessoned on Verizon, at least until a 4G iPhone comes out. I say this because only AT&T (and T-Mobile if you jailbreak) allow you to be online while on a phone call. Now I've seen people out there that say "So, who cares? I'm on a call to talk to somebody not surf the web." Here is why I think you will care in the end.
Say you are on a call and need to check something out, or verify directions, or confirm an email. You can't do that with Verizon. Now, those existing Verizon customers that have never been able to appreciate this feature may not miss it. Those that were AT&T customers and got used to doing that are going to go nuts. Again, many people may so who cares. Ever been on that phone call with someone you don't want to talk to but can't get off the line. It is nice to pass the time looking at stuff on the web while they yak on and on. With a few well placed mhmms, and uhuhs they are none the wiser.
Will the dropped call thing be better or worse than AT&T? I think this one will be a toss up. I did work for the evil AT&T for awhile and I got many a call from pissed off Verizon customers sick of crappy service. Just like I'm sure they get many of the same calls from pissed AT&T customers. It really depends on where you are located and the kind of service you get.
In the end though, I think the Verizon iPhone will do well. It will be nice when it is available on all the networks. That way maybe the pricing structure for data will change due to all the competition.
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