Apple, Droid, blah blah blah
Like a bunch a sharks in a feeding frenzy the media is all over any news Apple these days, or Droid, AT&T, Verizon, etc. The effect is somewhat amazing at times and often the facts are not quite right, or blown a bit out of proportion.
Take the Apple antennagate issue for instance. Is this an issue that effects every or even a majority of iPhone 4 users? Seeing as how you still have to order one to get one I think not. In fact, it was a very small amount of people it affected. But to read the plethora of news stories you would think iPhone 4 was a bust. Even one Microsoft exec stated iPhone 4 was Apple's Vista....really? I really think iPhone 4 has sold more copies now than Vista has to date. Actually I have no hard data of this but the fact remains the Apple product remains quite popular and in strong demand while Vista is only mentioned with a horrified whisper.
Android should make Apple nervous articles always amuse me. Sure, Android is awesome. I love google products. Here is the thing though, with Android. It does not have the polish of IOS 4 on the user end of things. Take syncing music for an example. Apple made this chore a simple task with a nice front end. Plug in and wait for the most part. Doing that with ANY other device becomes a bit of a chore in comparison, and maybe even difficult for those that are not computer savvy. My friend and I were comparing his Droid to my iPhone 4. Both our takes on the devices were this. The display was spectacular on iPhone 4 compared to his Droid. The way you ended open apps in multitask was easier and more intuitive and folder creation was implemented in a more user friendly way. He still likes his Droid, and I became less interested in them after the comparison. My Brother bought a Droid against my advice. After having it less a month he threw it against the wall and is about to get an iPhone. The lack of responsiveness on the touchscreen drove him nuts.
Bottom line is this though, and debate on the subject is pretty much retarded. Who you use for your cell phone provider and what device you use is all personal choice. As I've said in the past, depending on who you talk to and where you are located will make a big difference on your opinion. At the end of the day, I could care less who you use or who you think is better. I'm more than happy with what I have.
I love the ever persistent iPhone on Verizon rumors. Two years of them. Again, big reason it didn't happen the first time was CDMA. Doesn't allow simultaneous data and voice. That is a big iPhone feature. Second, CDMA is old tech. The strain on the network would probably make it even more crippled than AT&T's became in dense population areas. AT&T has proven it is willing to spend money to improve things. Verizon? Only time will tell. They did stop installing their fiber optic FIOS network, while AT&T continues to push its own fiber optic U-Verse network. With Android 2.2 coming out and allowing up to 5 devices to share an internet connection over the 3G network sounds grand I really feel if enough people use that function it will begin to strain the aging Verizon CDMA network. And to all you sprint lovers out there loving the "4g" isn't true 4g. It is WIMAX. Yes, it is fast but their is a reason the rest of the world isn't using it. LTE is the way of the future and both Verizon and AT&T will be on it.
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