Rants of the day...
So it has been awhile since I've gone on a rant. I've been trying to keep my blood pressure down by ignoring the news but it can no longer be helped. I have to rant.
First up, the AT&T and Verizon war. Do we really care? All cell phone providers suck in their own way. Is Verizon a bigger network? Sure, maybe so. But they are also running it on a dated CDMA network. Does AT&T coverage suck? Sure, in places. But then so does Verizon's and T-Mobiles, and Sprint. And for the record to the nay sayers out there. AT&T is the ONLY network where you can talk on your phone and surf the web same time. The ONLY network that has that capability. So cheer for your provider of choice, but just like a hot girl someone somewhere is sick of her shit.
My two cents on why it is absolutely retarded to bring gitmo terrorists to Illinois jails. Those in favor say look at the 1900 jobs it will create. Think how awesome it will be for our economy. People like me who are smart will say, ummmmmmm those jobs are state jobs hence payed for by the taxpayer. And how many hundreds of thousands of dollars per inmate does it cost taxpayers to keep people in jail? How do those two things help the taxpayer? How does adding more cost to the regular Joe improve the economy?
Healthcare...I've covered this rant before but my god. Let us do the math here shall we. At this point in time 10-11 million people are unable to get healthcare. Under the obamacare plan at least 17 million people will be unable to get healthcare. Score 1 for no change. Right now it costs us 4 billion (that is with a b) each year to care for ILLEGALS. Stop doing that already. I know people that did not go to the doctor because even with insurance the bill would be too high. Yet someone that is not even a legal citizen of this country can march in an emergency room, state they are illegal and be seen for free. Something stinks about that whole policy. How bout call immigration next time that happens. Sorry you are sick, go back to where you came from and try coming back here legally next time. And no I do not care if our system makes it too hard for them to do it properly. It is that way for a reason. The bottom line is obamacare will cost us 8 billion more a year to cover less people than our system already does that we have in place. So the figures I see just do not add up. Change for the sake of change is not the kind of change we need.
The TERRORIST from Ft. Hood has been brewing as a rant for some time now. If it walks like a duck, acts like a duck, and looks like a duck, then it is a duck. This mass murdering jihad freak is nothing more than a domestic terrorist. No, he was not suffering from PTSD like the media whores want you to believe. You kinda have to be deployed to get that, he never was. Besides, he was a head shrink so a deployment for him would have been nothing more than getting used to a warmer climate anyway. It makes me sick how the media is trying their hardest to paint this guy as some type of victim. The only thing he is a victim of is being a religious fanatic nutcase. I hope he suffers horribly before dying sometime soon. I'll just pray for that right now.
My solution to ending terrorist acts against this country is very simple. When we catch you, we will execute you by firing squad. But here is the kicker. It will be a FEMALE firing squad. Why you ask? Because these nutjobs believe that if they are killed by a woman they will not get their virgins. Kill a few of them with women, like asshole from Ft. Hood and see terrorist missions against the US decline. Hell, I bet membership to the cause would decline. Who would want to risk not getting their virgins?
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