Things EVERYONE should research
The state of affairs in the USA has been getting very disturbing in recent times. Wiser men than me have stated those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it. This year congress passed a bill giving the key to the purse to a "super congress". This super congress sits atop regular congress and the power bestowed upon it renders the house and senate useless. Hitler did something just like this before coming to full dictator power. America is now on a direct path to the same thing. The media is controlled by the elite globalists (another thing for you to research) and this story is pretty much not been touched.
The FDA claims people do not have the right to choose what they put in their own bodies and have no recourse to seek nutritional healthy foods for themselves. This on the heels of the rawsome foods raid.
TSA is violating everyone that flies 4th amendment rights. They now have mobile stations that they drive around and set up wherever they feel like groping people. They have groped high school students at a dance recently. Now they will be feeling people up "from the ankles up" at NFL games. Boycott the NFL until this policy goes away. If you don't stand up for yourself who will?
Fluoride has been put in our water for many many years now. What most people fail to realize is fluoride is actually toxic waste from aluminum plants. Yes....toxic waste. Google will never look at water from your tap the same way again.
Vaccines are not the way to health. In fact vaccines cause more deaths or side effects than they prevent. Taking a flu shot each year is you just saying I have no faith in my immune systems ability to defeat a minor sickness. Also.....MERCURY is in most vaccinations. Yes, the heavy metal mercury which everyone knows is horrible for the body is actually being injected in you when you get most vaccines. Bill Gates has been quoted many times saying vaccines are the key to population control. Just google Bill Gates vaccine population control and have your eyes opened.
Google Fast and the Furious to see how our very own DEA has been buying billions of dollars of guns and giving them to drug gangs not only here in the US but in Mexico. Be amazed that nobody is getting in trouble for this. Also check out how top kingpins in the drug cartels are being released from custody because they say they are working with the DEA/FBI etc. This is far worse than the Iran/Contra affair yet no heads are rolling in this instance.
If any of this is new to you I'm sure you are thinking I'm just a nut. That is why I ask you to research these things on your own. I can say that all these things have appeared in main stream media sources like the NY Times.
Want more? Of course you do. Research Genetically Modified Foods, or GMO's. I had the pleasure to be in a country where GMO's were forbidden along with animal growth hormones. I traveled over half the country and if I saw an obese person it was an American tourist. The entire population of this country that I visited was healthy and thin. GMO's are not good for us. Wild animals will not eat GMO food. The only other thing besides humans that touch GMO's are honey bees. The honey bee population is dwindling at an alarming rate. Why? Because GMO's cause sterilization. Already humans that eat GMO's are experiencing a lowering of fertility rates. Don't take my word for it, research it.
Cows are given corn to fatten them up quickly. Cows that are given corn to get fat produce a white gross fat mixed in with the meat. Grass fed cows that are only fed grass have a more yellow fat that actually turns crispy when cooked. So think of this: Cows are given corn to get fat. What is a large portion of US food made with? Corn Starch. What country has a bunch of obese people living in it?
Many people are realizing that global warming/climate change is false. Need more facts or proof? Try these out. Yes, polar bears can swim. No, they are not dying off...quite the opposite actually. The population has exploded recently. No, the ice caps are not melting causing rising sea levels. Actually sea levels are low right now. Another fact is the ice caps are growing right now and are actually thicker and bigger than they have been in quite some time. Now we all saw pictures of them receding. This is normal in the summer months. Some years they recede more than others. One article I read the other day even mentioned you could see the bottom of the NorthWest Passage beginning to open up....Proof of Global Warming. HMMM, at one time the NW Passage was all the way open....kinda how it got its name. Another fact to examine is EVERY planet in our solar system has heated up at the same time. I don't think SUV's are on pluto.
More on global warming. Carbon Dioxide has been said to be bad. Plants BREATH it and give off oxygen. At this moment our atmosphere only has 0.036% Carbon Dioxide in it. Long ago it was as high as 30% or more. Some scientists are alarmed at how low c02 is right now and can't believe plants are still living. Some are going as far as saying we need to pump more c02 in the atmosphere. These facts alone should tell you the idea of a carbon tax is complete nonsense and is nothing more than a way for big oil and gas to push coal out of business. Another thing to research....big oil is one of the biggest financiers of global warming/carbon tax media. Oh, Al Gore happens to be part owner of a large oil company.
Some of you may be wondering to what end is all this? Everything I've stated is by design. Following the money trails you will understand that 20 families control the elite globalists movement. Rockefeller and Bildeburg are two of them. They want to bankrupt the world. Then step in and "save" it by instituting a global currency. Along with this comes global control. Once they own our debt, they own us. On that line of thought, research derivatives. Most of the debt of the US isn't even our debt. It was tacked on by illegal derivatives by shady globalist banking deals.
Sorry for this long post that hops from one topic to another. The bottom line is all our freedoms are being attacked and diminished. Free speech is under attack, people are being arrested for standing on street corners holding a sign against Obama. Gun owners are having homes invaded with no probable cause by the ATF in southern states like Texas when they buy 2 firearms at the same time. Congress denied them the law but they are doing it anyway.
See something, say something. Just like communist Russia. Spy on your neighbor mindset. These ads are popping up all over the US now. They do not portray a "typical" terrorist. They show white men and women. I didn't realize white men and women living in the US were suicide bombing.
Fat kids are now being put in a database and could potentially be taken from parents.
In Europe kids as young as 3 are being put in a database if they are racist. What? A 3 year old has no idea of race. This database could affect jobs in their future. This is an article in Newsweek by the way.
Have you heard enough? I think if you start researching these things you will come to the same conclusion I have. The US is in big trouble and unless we the people step up and take back our liberty then we deserve to lose it.
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