My Review of the Macbook Pro 17" Laptop
After weeks and weeks of waiting I finally received my MBP in the mail. It is awesome, gorgeous, and fun to use. It is also my first Mac computer. I love it. I installed all my software, files, and photos with no problems. It recognizes hardware easily. So what is my gripe?
The claims of 7 to 8 hour battery life, that is my gripe. So far the best I've done is about 5 hours. Not bad, but still hours short of the claim. The five hour time though was basically having it on and not doing much else. That also includes about four hours of sleep time and I was left with about 3% battery life left. Having bluetooth on drains the battery faster than having it off, and I keep the keyboard back light to just one titch away from being off and the monitor is below half for brightness.
Getting 4 hours plus of normal usage is a plus, but that is half of the claim. Maybe I have a crappy battery, or maybe Apple exaggerated the battery life claim....a bit.
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