Obama Continues to Fail US Soldiers
Obama is now refusing to call terrorists that attack the United States enemy combatants. Really BO? Then just what is a militant person who attacks us to be called? A pissed off foreigner? If someone attacks us, they are the enemy. Plain and simple BO, it makes things easy. By not calling them the enemy are you saying you want to grant them US rights and give them trial lawyers? The UCMJ is around for a reason Barry. The trial system is for US Citizens, not terrorists or illegal immigrants that don't live in this country. Just to be clear, in case you missed that memo.
In further news, BO also wants soldiers that were injured in combat to pay for their own medical costs. WTF Obama? Are you really serious? You really want the military to turn its back on you, don't you? As a member of the armed forces, I'm going to say right now that with these last two actions against myself and all other members of the military I am ashamed to refer to you as my commander in chief. You do not have my respect. You are ruining this country. Try ruling for the people, and not with your ego you prick.
Not serving in the military it's good to know I share their views. We're living in Alice in Wonderland where up is down and wrong is right.
Not only is BO giving more rights to the enemy but we have congressmen and the Justice Dept. going after Sheriff Joe Arpaio for upholding the law against illegals. I'm willing to make the statement that Rep. John Conyers has received money from La Raza.
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