Obama to destroy our country?
After promising not to raise taxes, BO's new budget does just that. After saying his budget would not include earmarks, it does just that....9,000 of them! After promising to end the Iraq war he does that....sort of, if you don't count the 50,000 plus troops that will remain there in 2010.
BO claimed the "rich" would pay for all the new tax programs. Now he says they will pay for the national health care plan instead. Who will pay for all of this crazy big government out of control spending? The middle class, thats who. Our Kids, and their kids. Fiscal responsibility my ass!
Taxes for small business, taxes for those who were frugal and saved, taxes for the "rich" who worked hard and went to school to get a good job. Who benefits from all this? The lazy, poor people that don't want to work? I guess to them this is a great deal. Those that bought a home they couldn't afford because the liberal democrats imposed rules and laws on the banks. Yeah, they will benefit from my hard work.
With China being begged to buy up our debt via bonds it becomes very clear they could destroy us simply by reselling those bonds on the world market at a steeply discounted price! Every time BO mentions nationalizing the banking system the stocks plunge by hundreds of points.
Wall Street has no faith in this big budget, big government, stimulus package. Why should we? One just has to look at the Carter or Lyndon B eras to see these plans are not new, and were devasting to the country. It wasn't that long ago, but it seems we are doomed to one again repeat history.
Who is John Galt? Hopefully the silent majority will be soon.
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