Nutjob Muslims!
You know, I always thought the hardcore Christians were the looniest until I discovered how fanatical the Muslims were. They now want to execute a teacher because she let her students name a teddy bear Mohammed!
The funny thing is once again it is the voice of the minority that is making a racket. Shut up already!
Now isn't Mohammed one of the most popular names for a Muslim? So it is ok for a person to be named that, but not a stuffed animal? That seems a little hypocritical to say the least. I think they just want to kill an "Infidel" because these people are nothing more than animals. Us Infidels should be more like young Vader. He realized the Sand People were like animals, and he put them down like animals, as we should too.
So what am I going to do about this weird situation going on in Sudan? I've already started. I bought two stuffed PIGS and named one Allah and the other Mohammed. I kick them and fart in their general direction whenever the urge strikes me.
I'm a little piggy here's my snout. Oink, Oink, Oink. Oink, Oink, Oink. Jihad Jihad!
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