Back in Touch
Well I had an interesting weekend. One of my good friends from my military days got in touch with me, and through him I was given contact info to my other two close friends. The image to the left will mean something to them and those that knew us. Talking with these guys again was damn cool. We are all older and have gone our separate ways. Only one of us is still in the military (WTF Javy?) Even though many years have gone by since I last talked to these guys, about 9 in one case, it was like no time had passed at all. They were my only family while away from my family. We worked together, lived together, drank, chased women, got in trouble, and pretty much anything else you can imagine we did together. (except that you homo's)
Now that we are all back in touch, I will have to make us an online place to meet and share pics so we can all do a better job keeping up with each others lives.
Maybe you'll get back in touch with Margie. Fuck that hairy beast!!!!
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