Lunatics on the Radio
This rant is for a lady with a mental disorder....the liberal Randi Rhodes. This lady is a complete freak and has no business talking to thousands of people on the radio. She belongs in a mental institution.
Last night she had another would be mental patient on her show, Naomi Wolf. Talk about a case of paranoia. This lady actually thinks America is going to turn into a fascist state like Nazi Germany. She even wrote a book detailing all the "steps" we have taken and she "loses sleep each night with worry". Its no wonder Steven Colbert basically laughed her off his show, but she has found warm welcome with fellow mental case Randi.
Naomi seems to think that Blackwater is filled with agents from other countries that thrive on brutal torture and it won't be long before they start acting on the public to control us. Hello, we have guns in the general populace too! Do you really think all the gun totin' people of this great country would stand for any actions you are describing? Furthermore, Blackwater is comprised of highly trained ex US Special Forces Soldiers, not some freaky Gulag wannabes.
Naomi Wolf really needs help, some meds or something because paranoia is contagious and she has it bad. Randi is not as severe a case, but she enables this kind of behavior so maybe something like shock therapy would help her realize she has a wacked out perspective on reality, as do most libs.
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