Friday, November 30, 2007

Nutjob Muslims!

You know, I always thought the hardcore Christians were the looniest until I discovered how fanatical the Muslims were. They now want to execute a teacher because she let her students name a teddy bear Mohammed!
The funny thing is once again it is the voice of the minority that is making a racket. Shut up already!

Now isn't
Mohammed one of the most popular names for a Muslim? So it is ok for a person to be named that, but not a stuffed animal? That seems a little hypocritical to say the least. I think they just want to kill an "Infidel" because these people are nothing more than animals. Us Infidels should be more like young Vader. He realized the Sand People were like animals, and he put them down like animals, as we should too.

So what am I going to do about this weird situation going on in Sudan? I've already started. I bought two stuffed PIGS and named one Allah and the other Mohammed. I kick them and fart in their general direction whenever the urge strikes me.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Back in Touch

Well I had an interesting weekend. One of my good friends from my military days got in touch with me, and through him I was given contact info to my other two close friends. The image to the left will mean something to them and those that knew us. Talking with these guys again was damn cool. We are all older and have gone our separate ways. Only one of us is still in the military (WTF Javy?) Even though many years have gone by since I last talked to these guys, about 9 in one case, it was like no time had passed at all. They were my only family while away from my family. We worked together, lived together, drank, chased women, got in trouble, and pretty much anything else you can imagine we did together. (except that you homo's)

Now that we are all back in touch, I will have to make us an online place to meet and share pics so we can all do a better job keeping up with each others lives.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My Newest Magazine Ad

Well I haven't posted any work lately as work as been hectic lately. Here is an ad I designed for Advanced Recovery Center (

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

France Reclaims its Balls

I must say, for quite some time I have thought of France as a big whiny liberal cess pool. The new President however is quickly changing my viewpoint. Here is a little excerpt from his latest speech:

France will remain engaged in Afghanistan for as long as it takes, because what is at stake in that country is the very future of our values and that of the Atlantic alliance," Sarkozy said. "Failure is not an option. Terrorism will not prevail. For democracies are not entitled to be weak, and because we, the free world, are not afraid of this new barbarism. And because of that, America can count on France in its battle on terror."

On how he feels about America, he had this to say:

He also spoke emotionally in the toast of American sacrifices in liberating France from Nazi occupation in World War II and vowed that "never will any French man or woman forget that."

Sarkozy said: "In my country there are thousands upon thousands of white crosses to remember those men who didn't know France, and yet who came to die on French soil. And I want to tell you that whenever a U.S. soldier dies anywhere in the world, I think of what the . . . American army and Americans have done for us."

After reading that, I got a tear in my eye. Its nice for a European Country to recognize the things that the US had done and is doing for the world.

Thank You Mr. Sarkozy, for remembering what our Countries have done for each other.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Lunatics on the Radio

This rant is for a lady with a mental disorder....the liberal Randi Rhodes. This lady is a complete freak and has no business talking to thousands of people on the radio. She belongs in a mental institution.

Last night she had another would be mental patient on her show, Naomi Wolf. Talk about a case of paranoia. This lady actually thinks America is going to turn into a fascist state like Nazi Germany. She even wrote a book detailing all the "steps" we have taken and she "loses sleep each night with worry". Its no wonder Steven Colbert basically laughed her off his show, but she has found warm welcome with fellow mental case Randi.

Naomi seems to think that Blackwater is filled with agents from other countries that thrive on brutal torture and it won't be long before they start acting on the public to control us. Hello, we have guns in the general populace too! Do you really think all the gun totin' people of this great country would stand for any actions you are describing? Furthermore, Blackwater is comprised of highly trained ex US Special Forces Soldiers, not some freaky Gulag wannabes.

Naomi Wolf really needs help, some meds or something because paranoia is contagious and she has it bad. Randi is not as severe a case, but she enables this kind of behavior so maybe something like shock therapy would help her realize she has a wacked out perspective on reality, as do most libs.