A Petition to Apple about App approvals
This is an open letter to Apple.
Dear Apple,
You have a great product with the iPhone, and your app store is great. However, with the advent of 3.0 you introduced a rating system yet do not take advantage of it. I can name several apps that were fine before 3.0, as in they were approved. When said apps were forced to do an update to work correctly they were not approved! This type of business practice is unfair to the developers and the users that love those apps.
It is time to loosen the standards a little bit. If an app is rated 17+ then it should be expected to contain a bit of nudity. Not porn of course, but nudity. That is the reason for ratings is it not?
Further, the approval process needs to be examined as it takes way to long for something to get approved in your store. What will it take to open your eyes that the end user is getting tired of the tyrannical way in which you are running the app store? Perhaps if the iPhone community started jailbreaking their phones on a grand scale and using apps not from the app store would your eyes open up.
Do not make the mistake of trying to rule with an iron fist. It is not your job to play nanny state with the populace on what we have on our phone and what is or isn't allowed. Open up your standards and use the ratings as they are intended or deal with the fact us users will be jailbreaking our phones to get what we want.
Petitioners, sign in the comment section. When this reaches several thousand it will be sent on to Apple to show them we are serious.
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