Obama: is he a threat to our freedom?
Well BO has appointed yet another czar. How many does this make? I believe it is 19. That is 19 offices with broad power, none of which answer to congress, only BO himself. This should really start to scare Americans as BO has been slowly, neigh, rapidly grabbing executive power. Out of all the Presidents this country has seen, none have grabbed as much power for themselves as BO has. Read some history books folks. This is what all dictators do in the beginning. They slowly grab power while quietly removing your freedom bit by bit until it is too late to do anything about it. Next thing you know gulag squads are dragging dissenters away in the middle of the night. Not in America you say?
To date, since BO has been in office he has taken control of GM, the banks, and has been appointing czars of HIS choosing that only answer to him. He wants to install a "civilian" police force aka gulag aka SS that is bigger and better funded than the military. What happens when government has to bail out the failing newspapers, radio stations, and tv stations? Thats right, government owns them. They then dictate what they say, who advertises, what they broadcast ect. Think I'm exaggerating? What kind of cars will GM be building? The small little tinker toy type that they drive in France, thats what. Who wants them? BO does, thats who. He even fired GM's CEO to make it happen.
The funny thing is he does this all in the name of the financial crisis, and to make the US more "green". The BO worshippers think he is brilliant for these moves and applaud him for it. Little do they realize soon this country will no longer be the home of the free, but the home of the controlled. I like my freedom of CHOICE. That is being taken from me. I like my SUV because I camp, hunt, and fish. I really do not see a little tinker toy pulling a boat or getting me to a camping site down a long bumpy two track. I really do not believe in global warming. Trees love carbon dioxide, yet it is being treated as some kind of evil gas that is warming our planet. How about planting more to offset the imbalance. To logical?
BO also says it is OK to borrow money to implement social healthcare. Even EU is telling us not to do that as the system just doesn't work. The level of care goes down, and wait times are horrible. Not to mention the debt. Someone is paying for healthcare, free or otherwise. Our system is not perfect, but it is better than everyone else's.
Remember, Obama said, "America is the greatest country in the world. Help me change it..."
All I can say is WOW, you are one of the few that really see who he is. Swore the other night he was heard saying that The United States is no longer a Nation of Cristianity, but a Muslem Nation.
I understand how you feel, but rest assured their are many of us out here who see the big picture and do not fall for the glitzy words of the "messiah". He did say something to the effect that the US was one of the biggest Muslim Nation's. Far cry from the facts, but the press doesn't seem to care...
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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