Why is Israel getting hit with a neg?
The past few days it hasn't failed. I turn on the talk radio, or read an article and it seems Israel is getting grief for the bombings they have launched against Palestine. We hear about how much ordinance they dropped, how many Palestinians have been killed, and how Israel is "over reacting". I heard one quote that Israel's response to attacks against it are overboard.
Reality check. Have we heard about the THREE years of bombings Palestine has launched against Israel? Have we heard about how Hamas targets schools and other civilian targets? How about how Hamas hides amongst the civilian crowd in Palestine so civilian casualties happen when Israel strikes back.
No, we haven't heard these things. Why? I'm not sure myself, but I'm sick and tired of all the anti-Israel protesters flipping out and protesting something they know nothing about. Hamas doesn't even recognize Israel as a country. They want to wipe them off the face of the Earth. The fact is these two nations have been at war for a thousand years. Israel isn't responding with excessive force morons, they are responding at a higher level hoping to finally end all the senseless violence perpetrated by Hamas.
You're right about the media not covering the countless bombings by Hamas but I just say we should stop funding Israel and let them do it alone. I can't support a country that was formed first with British Palestine with the breakup of the Ottoman Empire with UN 1.0 (league of nations) and then UN 2.0 with the formation of the state of Israel.
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