Gerald R. Ford Airport 20 Million Dollar FAIL
Gerald R. Ford Airport in Grand Rapids Michigan has spent 20 million dollars to upgrade its front end. A magnificent glass overhang shelters travelers from the elements while two skywalks will bring them to covered parking across the road.
So how did the engineers screw it up so bad? It seems easy right? Build a pretty glass overhang to keep the weather off the people down below. Unfortunately this endeavor proved too difficult for the brightest engineers. The thing just plain doesn't work. It leaks on the people worse than if it wasn't there at all. Today the weather was nice and warm for December. The temperature rose above freezing and all the snow on top of the glass overhang began to melt. Due to the roof being built like a pasta strainer it was in effect raining indoors while being nice and dry outdoors.
Way to blow 20 MILLION BUCKS Grand Rapids. Its not like we have a kick ass economy or anything. Frankly we have one of the worst economies in the country. Just more well spent money with a great plan that couldn't be pulled off by so called smart engineers.
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