Save the Whale Wack Job
It was a late night and nothing was on TV. Flipping through the channels I landed on Whale Wars. Seemed OK at first, until I realized just how crazy the captain of this group is. He puts the life of his crew below that of the whales.
Watching this show reminded me of the South Park episode where the anti smoking crowd comes to town and is going to kill Cartman to prove that second hand smoke is fatal. The anti smoking crowd was manipulating the media to turn the public opinion against smokers. Much the same way the captain of the ship first attacked a Japanese whaling ship before putting two of his crew members on board knowing that they would be taken captive or worse. He then chose the "worst" photos to give to the media to get attention.
Its people like him that give the media a bad name. They only know what they are told sometimes. I really can't believe I'm writing something defending the media, as I think they are a bunch of liberal wack jobs already. But in this case, they ran with what they were given. All I can say about the entire show is that it made me want to be on a ship so I could attack these people back. I'm surprised the Jap whalers haven't hired some mercs to blow them out of the water yet.
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