Be an outlaw!
I've been watching Sons of Anarchy for the past two weeks. After catching part of an episode it became my goal to watch each one made to catch up. The show is that good. It made me wonder how real bikers felt about it, so after mentioning it to some friends I know that ride I discovered two things. They love it! It is a bit unrealistic at times, but has a lot of truth to it as well. I met some guys that are actually part of an MC and they voiced the same opinions.
So what has this show done for me besides give me something to do for an hour? I want to be an outlaw thats what. I want the vest with the club name on it, the Harley with loud pipes, the brothers, and yes....even the danger. I know that all sounds a bit melodramatic but this show calls to my dark side like nothing else. If I was in a different time and a different place I could easily see myself falling into that lifestyle.
Should this revelation scare me? I think no as this show just calls out to the desires most men have. (Unless they are from San Fransicko or some other such lib town) What guy doesn't want to cruise around at will on a bike, slamming chicks, knockin' off the bad guys, and making lots of money on top of it? Sure its illegal, but the freedom to live like that would almost be worth all the risk.
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