Cheaper Gas!!!
Wow, can you all believe how the gas prices fluctuate on an almost daily basis? I love watching them drop from $3.69 a gallon to $3.56 a gallon only to shoot up to $3.75 a gallon mere hours after dropping. WTF?
Then all you ignorant fucks bitch that the big oil companies are to blame for the outrageous price of fuel. It is NOT their fault. Yes it is, you say? Go ahead, wallow in your own ignorance. God knows most American's do. The simple fact is we have ONE refinery in this country that was built in like the early 70's. ONE frickin refinery to change the black gold in to go go juice for the automobile. Seems to me if we built another refinery, and began drilling off the coast of Florida for our own oil things would be much different. Gasp, we can't do that the freaky liberals cry out. Sure, OK but in the mean time Castro is slant drilling OUR oil. Do you all realize that the oil fields of ANWAR have as much or more oil than the fields in Saudi? Our country could be energy independent if we would start drilling there. But the Sierra Club carries a bigger stick than the little man so go pay four bucks a gallon for fuel.
I'm so sick and tired of Obama I'm not even really going to say much about him right now. OK, just this one thing. To all you black voters out there that are voting for the stretch chin just because he is black.....sort of. Did you see how he turned on the bigot Rev. Wright? Did he not say just a mere few weeks ago he could "never turn on him. Turning on him would be like turning on blacks." Well he did, and he will. He isn't the one. Wait for the next one. This guy is a terrorist. I really believe he has ties to some extremist group and will do great damage to this Country if he gets elected. And by great damage, I'm not even counting all the costly social programs he will try to put in place.
On a non-political note. I landed a new design gig. This one a little closer to home in fact. My little Brother's Brother in-law and his partner have designed a new broad head. It is going to take the hunting world by storm. There is nothing on the market like it, and what they have is locked down by bullet proof patents. I'm excited to say that I will be responsible for designing the site and branding for this exciting new company. More to come on this as details and projects emerge.
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