And even more lies...
Wow, between Hildog and Obama the angry (half) black man with an agenda the lies and drama is stacking up pretty deep. Now the owner of the long stretched out looking chin is claiming that he would have left the church had not the bigot, racist, anti-American rev. wright not retired. R E A L L L L Y? So for 20 years you sat and listened to his drivel, and upon his retirement you made him one of your campaign advisers. The only reason you asked him to step down from that role is because all this stuff popped up. So DO NOT LIE to US Obama the pencil neck, radar ear, stretchy chin, liberal, angry (half) black man with an agenda that wants to ruin the country. You and your America hating wife want to destroy what we value with your wacked out notion of redistribution of wealth, attacks on big business, increasing taxes to pay for the social programs that don't work, making people reliant on government rather than their own abilities, retreat and surrender in Iraq.
We do not want government in our lives. It can't even run a retirement program for the masses, let alone a healthcare program. Please crawl back under whatever rock you came out from under and let us be.
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