The trouble with Dumbledore's Homosexuality
J.K. Rowling dropped a bombshell on Oct. 19th that Albus Dumbledore was gay. Not the happy go lucky type gay, the homosexual type gay. While this in itself is not a big deal, the manner in which it was told is. First, since she was not specific in her books about it readers had already formed their own opinions about Dumbledore and his private life. Now she is filling in the blanks our imagination is supposed to fill in.
From the fact she claims the clues were there in the books, mainly the final in the series, should we go on to further deduce that was he not only gay, but a boy lover as well? Lets examine this theory a little. What if we were to make further deductions from the story that make him a much more evil character.
1. M. Jackson created Neverland Ranch and always wanted to have young boys around.
2. Most child sex offenders live near schools or parks so they have access to children.
Dumbledore was first a teacher, then the headmaster at Hogwarts. He refused the nomination several times to be the Minister of Magic, an office of highest power. He claims it was because he was power hungry and not to be trusted. Could the truth be that he did not want to remove himself from children? Or is it because being gay, he liked being referred to as "headmaster"?
His first "love" happened when he was younger, and ended very badly. Could this have scarred him to the point where he could only find attraction to young boys?
Males of every species have certain needs that need taken care of. If he had no other adult lover in his life as we are led to believe, how many Hogwart's students became victims of unwanted attention from the powerful "affectionate" headmaster?
He often watched Harry, and kept him close whenever possible. In the last book, they took some private trips for two together, and spent lots of after hours time in his study!
What dark secrets did Rita Skeeter really write about in her book? Did she discover the horrible truth about a child predator within Hogwart's walls?
So if we were to deduce that Dumbledore was gay from the subtle clues J.K. left, are we to further deduce that not only was he gay, but liked them a little young as well?
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