My rant of the day
Many things are bugging me about American society lately.
1. Social health care: If it was so great, Canadians would not be going to New York to see a doc. Who wants to wait up to three years for an initial consultation? Look to the Netherlands that have had a social health care system in place longer than anyone. Genocide and patricide are the norm, so don't say it won't happen here.
2. Liberals. Yes, liberals. Basically everything about them, from their twisted view points to the need to make everyone PC. Freedom of speech means freedom of speech. It might be mean, it might offend, but it is free speech. Hate Speech???? Get out of here. It is little more than something the liberal front hates, and now its against the law......
3. Making Facebook/Myspace secure: What? Since when should it be a business owners responsibility to ensure that children are not doing something they aren't supposed to? Shouldn't it be the parents that make these things more secure by monitoring what it is their kids are doing and who they are talking to online?
4. People that don't understand the terrorists HATE you. Your not Muslim, your not Islamic. You suck. You are a blasphemy and must either convert or die. If we leave Iraq, they won't stay over there, they will follow us here. I would rather the war be on foreign soil rather than in my backyard. WAKE UP SHEEPLE, quit believing the hype and realize that you can not talk things over with religious zealots. They hate you and everything about our country. Osama himself said he will not stop until we give up democracy and embrace Islam. Get a clue already.
OK, I'm done ranting for now. Sorry about that.
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