My first post
Hello to anyone who cares to read this. I finally followed the pack off the cliff and created my own blog. Why are these things so popular? Does anyone really care about random people and what they have to say? The popularity of these things must be a big YES!
I guess I should tell you a little bit about me, since we probably just met. I was in the Air Force for four long years. My job was Security Forces. Kinda like the Army of the Air Force. In fact, part of our training was at Fort Dix in New Jersey for six weeks with the Army. That was probably the most fun I had during my training. Our job was to protect the base from any ground threat that might come along. For the most part we drove around in four wheel drive vehicles looking for new ways to get in trouble. I did get to go to Saudi Arabia, Korea, Ireland, Germany, Naples, and Hawaii. After all that fun my brother and I moved out to California.
We were in San Diego for quite a few months, not finding any work but having fun nonetheless. A job offer in Santa Rosa sent us on a little road trip, but the gangs up there were a little aggressive so we decided not to take the job. Lucky for us we were given a chance by the same company to work back home in GR at their unionized plant. Much better. Great pay and great benefits. After a couple years I realized I wanted more. I taught myself HTML and all the fun programs like photoshop and illustrator. Then dreamweaver and flash. Once I realized I could get paid for doing what I thought was fun I discovered that design principles were lacking in my repertoire.
I started my college education at Davenport University. They offered a four year degree in E-Business. Unfortunately it was heavy on the business and lacking in what I needed...DESIGN BASICS. So I put together a little portfolio of things that I had done and went to the top art school near me. Kendall College of Art and Design. To my delight I was accepted and have not looked back.
Well, that is probably more about me than you really care about, but it is my blog. You can't expect me to write about YOU in my blog now can you? Well, if I knew you and it was something interesting or funny then maybe I guess I would. Otherwise, start your own blog and write about you.
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