Ok, I'm such a geek. Not only am I doing two posts back to back, this one is about Sea Monkeys. Yes, thats right, Sea Monkeys. I really for real ordered a kit online and it came to me in the mail. I love getting stuff I bought online in the mail. Anyhoo, I poured in the "bottled water" and the purifier stuff and waited almost 24 hours. Then I poured in the batch of "instant life" and looked for my little Sea Monkeys. Well, it has been about six hours and I still can't see them. I understand that they are really small right now. About the size of this period --->. But no, I can't see them. The funny thing is tonight on South Park Cartman and gang bought Sea Monkeys as well. His worked, but he was pissed they were brine shrimp and not actual little people. Long story short, he mixes human sperm with them and wallah, small little sea people are born. They create a small underwater society and destroy themselves by war.
Here is a picture of my colony so far. It has a cool glow in the dark ship in it.
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