Why I shake my head at the news...and a rant
Headlines of the past week or so.
Homeland Security claims veterans are a threat risk
Spam has a carbon footprint equal to driving three feet
Republicans hold tea party...(only republicans? not quite but ok)
Rendell wants to reinstate ban on assault rifels
Obama lifts travel ban to Cuba without preconditions
8 Year old girl found dead in suitcase, possible rape and murder committed by woman
Obama travels EU bashing the US. Has he no shame?
French President claims Obama Weak and Ineffective
Tens of thousands protest taxation without representation in so called tea parties
NSA exceeds legal limits in eavesdropping
Has America lost its mind? This is just a small sample of the crazy news I've been hearing. It seems when liberals are in power, things go very wrong very fast. This is a great country, but it seems that it has become sick. Sick with corruption, power grabbing, socialist thinking, and fear.
Fear is the key word here. The libs have learned to use fear to control us. This is how the minority has become the voice of the silent majority. Thankfully we are rising up. The tea parties are just the start. The libs are scared. Can you see it? Can you feel it? Already they are trying to use fear to control the uprising. Beware the white supremest groups. They are responsible for the unrest, because we have a (half) black president. But the lib media doesn't stop there. Oh no, lets throw in veterans and repbulicans as well. These are the main groups that are angry. Lets deal with them by associating them with a hate group and turning it into a white vs. black thing.
It makes me sick. Its time to take our country back from corruption. Lets shrink government so it does what its supposed to do and not what its not, like running my life. Lets disband the IRS, which is an illegal institution that was supposed to have been disbanded at the end of WWII. Lets start a flat tax that EVERYONE pays, not just the few. Lets stop with the crazy political correctness and start living. We are Americans, lets act like it. I saw us band together after 9/11. Lets band together now. I look back to the roaring 20's when it meant something to be American. Immigrants came to this country with nothing, and worked hard to get something. They came here to fight in WWII not as Spanish-Americans, or Jewish-Americans, but as AMERICANS. Now immigrants come here with there hands out. They don't want to work, they want a free ride. Illegals come here with there hands out looking for a free ride. And the libs give it to them. Have health care, have a baby, start a business tax free for 7 years. And WE pay for it. We who work hard, live here legally, and are proud to be American. We PAY for it. All of it. Lets take back what is ours and put America back where it should be. In control of the people. We are a Capitalist, Democratic Nation, and that is why it is so great. A poor person can become a CEO of a billion dollar company, a woman can speak her mind, a child can dream of becoming an astronaut and make it a reality. We are a melting pot of nationality's, and that is why America is so GREAT. Rise up silent majority, and be heard. Rise up, and do what is right, Rise UP and give sound to your voice.
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