Tuesday, January 27, 2009

HDR Photos of Grand Rapids

I thought I'd share some photos I took tonight for a school project. Nothing super fancy done post processing, just some tweaks in Camera Raw. Of course these images are copyrighted by me so no unauthorized usage thanks. Click the photos for a larger view!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Biden Disrespects Tomb of Unkown Soldier

BO and Biden visited the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. To show respect you walk backwards from the tomb as it is disrespectful to turn your back on it until you are outside the wreaths. After plunking down his wreath Biden performs an about face and strolls out. BO managed to do it properly and walked backwards.

Its this kind of disrespect to the armed forces that I've been fearing from this administration. I couldn't help but notice that when BO walked by the Marines today he just strolled on by not giving them a glance. They were treated like invisible house servants. Bush always made a point of nodding at them, giving them a smile, and shaking hands.

To the MEDIA! Obama is NOT the first black president. Or to put it the PC way, he is NOT the first African American president. He is MIXED. His Mother was White or Causcasion if you prefer, not BLACK. A minor detail maybe, until the time comes when we actually elect a full Black man or woman to be president. Then what? He or she gets shafted because you have wrongly bestowed the title to BO.

In other news. BO is shutting down Gitmo. Some say about time. BO is also trying to use some diplomacy in the Middle East. Again some say about time. However! Forty, that is 40, 10 x 4 = 40 Al Queda nut jobs killed themselves while experimenting with dirty bombs and bio weapons. They haven't given up on taking the fight to the next devastating level. Good thing BO is closing down Gitmo, it would be a shame if we had to waterboard someone to find out where the next dirty bomb the Hadji's make is going to be planted. Hopefully the jihad minded freaks remain stupid and keep killing themselves. Maybe they will unleash the plauge on themselves solving 90% of the worlds problems by wiping out the majority of their population.

Last but not least, a message for Mr. Bush.
As Hannity says and how I agree. Thank you Bush for keeping our country safe the past 8 years. Under you we have not been attacked in all that time. Thank you for having the balls to stick to your convictions and see the job through. I only hope BO doesn't undo what you have done.

Thank you for the tax cuts. The extra money I kept really helped me out. The child tax credits have been great as well.

Although I don't really agree with all the Patriot Act does, I do admit it seems to have been effective. As a Libertarian though I won't be sorry to see it go if it does. But Thank You for having the balls once again to get aggressive to keep us safe.

Thank You for how well you treated your troops. I've read and or heard story after story by those that had the honor to shake your hand. They all said the same thing about you. You made them feel like they were the only ones in the room. You were a genuine person with a strong aura. I also like how you paid attention to those protecting you. It seems that will come to an end with BO.

Thank You for being the whipping boy for the liberal media. Your Presidency was one that was very challenging. You inherited a recession from Clinton, you dealt with the most devasting attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor, and you tackled terrorism on two fronts while most of the world ridiculed you. Yet you never wavered from your path. You stood tall and proud.
History WILL be kind to you. America has lost its mind a little right now. The press is full of social minded liberal lunatics and many people take what they read at face value. However, history will remember the good things you did. Hold your head high. You did much to be proud of.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Photo

While in one of my classes dealing with digital SLR cameras my Prof said something that made the last piece of the puzzle drop in place. I can now use my camera in Manual Mode with out the guess work. This makes me happy because it has opened up new doors for me in my photography. I had to rush to work after class but got a chance to snap a shot of a co-worker. He recently came home safe from Iraq.

Nothing super fancy in post processing, just good lighting and some tweaks in camera raw gave me this effect. No filters or plug ins needed.


It has been awhile since my last batch of gripes. I've been trying to not watch the news because it is so slanted but some headlines just scream at me from google news.

1. EU is suing Microsoft again for its "IE monopoly". Give me a break man. Microsoft makes windows, it also makes IE. It makes business sense to bundle the two together. Its not like it prevents anyone from using another browser or three if they wish. I for one love and use Firefox exclusively. Besides, for how much market share IE has lost the talk of monopoly is pretty much null in my opinion. Oh, Opera is behind this one. Opera, your browser may render CSS better than IE, but it is clunky and hard to use.

2. BO (Obama) wants to delay the digital television change over by three months. Why? We have been told this was going to happen for years now. Besides, wouldn't new TV sales help the economy a little bit? I really don't see a point in a delay.

3. After having one of the coldest winter in years, why do I still hear talk of global warming. Especially now that talk of an ice age is once again popping up? This winter is like the ones I remember as a kid. Zero and below temps with lots of snow. This is what winter was like in the 70's and 80's here in Michigan.

4. Not news related, just an observation. A taxi company called the Green Chauffeur is in town. They pick up their customers in a gaudy Prius. Here is what I observe:
a. The customer is always some tree hugger type with a snooty attitude. Always!
b. The customer waits at least a half hour or longer for the taxi to arrive, even though Metro has two taxi's curbside at all times ready to go.
c. The drivers of that green company don't like to follow the airport rules very well making my job difficult.
Why is it that the "green" crowd is like that? Its not like they are making a difference using that company. Besides, with the winter we are having, I wouldn't want to ride in a tiny plastic car when their is a foot of ice and snow on the roads.

5. I'm sick and tired of the BO fans thinking their messiah is going to fix all the problems this country has. He is one man about to implement the FAILED policies of Carter. Their talking points are almost identical. Read some history people. Please! Pretty Please.......with sugar on top! Our mini recession we have now is not nearly as bad as the one we had in the 70's. When Carter was President. BO is talking about doing the exact same things Carter did. Why will they work for BO when they did not work for Carter? Someone please ask BO this question. Please!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Why is Israel getting hit with a neg?

The past few days it hasn't failed. I turn on the talk radio, or read an article and it seems Israel is getting grief for the bombings they have launched against Palestine. We hear about how much ordinance they dropped, how many Palestinians have been killed, and how Israel is "over reacting". I heard one quote that Israel's response to attacks against it are overboard.

Reality check. Have we heard about the THREE years of bombings Palestine has launched against Israel? Have we heard about how Hamas targets schools and other civilian targets? How about how Hamas hides amongst the civilian crowd in Palestine so civilian casualties happen when Israel strikes back.

No, we haven't heard these things. Why? I'm not sure myself, but I'm sick and tired of all the anti-Israel protesters flipping out and protesting something they know nothing about. Hamas doesn't even recognize Israel as a country. They want to wipe them off the face of the Earth. The fact is these two nations have been at war for a thousand years. Israel isn't responding with excessive force morons, they are responding at a higher level hoping to finally end all the senseless violence perpetrated by Hamas.