As I see it
Hello again. So much going on in the world today this entry will cover some top hits.
1. The NH vote. As Rush predicted, the media is referring to Hilary and McCain as "Comeback Kids". How stupid. McCain doesn't count as he basically camped out in that state for months and it will be the only victory he sees. Hilary winning is more to the fact that many independents voted Republican rather than give Obama their vote. It has been pointed out that a black candidate has never won in NH so that is most likely another reason for Hilary's slight win.
2. Iran, stop it or you will suffer like Iraq. So now you claim video/audio footage of your boats clearly harassing US Ships as fake. Is this how you go about things? Flat out denial! First the claim of no gays in Iran, and now this. Your Country and its politics is laughable. You are not Persia any longer, don't make us go Sparta on your ass.
3. The muslim group CAIR. You are nothing but terrorists living in America. I can't wait until Mike Savage sues your front right out of the country. And yes, we are aware that you are a three headed snake. You thought you were smart, but we are smarter. For more on this visit here to read about this dangerous group and what they are trying to do in America.
4. And last but not least, a delegation from Columbia University plans to visit Iran to "apologize to Ahmadinejad for the way he was treated" during his visit. I think that if they go they should not be allowed to return to this great Country. Keep liberal assholes like that out of my USA.
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